
Rhino Painting “Rhino Journey” Painted by Jen Callahan© Reproduced on Gallery Wrapped Canvas and Ready to Hang


Upgrade any room with art printed on top-quality canvas gallery wraps. Each wrap is made with finely textured, artist-grade cotton substrate which consistently reproduces your image in outstanding clarity and detail. Available in multiple sizes, these closed back canvases are built with a patented, solid support face and are excellent for indoor use.

.: 100% cotton fabric (400gsm)
.: Horizontal, vertical and square options available
.: Closed backing
.: Built with a patented solid support face
.: High image quality and detail
.: For indoor use only

  12″ x 18″ 20″ x 30″ 30″ x 40″
Width, in 12.00 20.00 30.00
Height, in 18.00 30.00 40.00
Depth, in 1.25 1.25 1.25


Weight N/A
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